Lake Cable Animal Hospital News
A puppy or kitten for Christmas – Doing it right
You’ve been considering surprising your son, daughter, spouse, or significant other with a puppy or kitten for Christmas. It’s a great idea, filled with the excitement and emotion fitting for a holiday gift. But to be sure it truly is the perfect gift for your family...
Protecting pets this holiday season
For both social pets and shy pets, the holiday season can be an overload of stimulation, from bright lights to unfamiliar visitors to a variety of food and “toy” temptations. Everything you love about the season can be stressful or even potentially dangerous for your...
Can my indoor cat spend some time outdoors?
Veterinarians agree that cats who are confined to indoor environments are healthier and live longer, but are there benefits to allowing your indoor cat some outdoor time? Depending on your cat, the answer may be yes, but outdoor time is not right for every cat. The...
Dogs, cats and osteoarthritis – What you can do
Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) affects our pets just as it affects each of us, causing pain and thickening of joints as cartilage and connective tissue deteriorate. Whether due to age or the result of an injury, the condition can make it difficult for our...
Be vigilant if your pet is stung by a bee, wasp, spider
Dogs and cats are curious and playful creatures, so expect the occasional run-in with stinging insects. In most cases, an insect sting may cause some pain and mild swelling at the site but will not require veterinary treatment. It is advisable, however, to keep a...
Grooming tips to keep your pet cool, healthy
Hot summer days mean keeping cool in every way possible. Our pets rely on us to keep them comfortable and healthy, but understanding the difference between pets and humans is important before taking action. For example, both dogs and cats cool themselves by panting,...
Tips for summer fun with your pets
They’re part of the family, so of course we want to include our pets in the fun of upcoming warm summer days. Opportunities for vacations, park visits, and neighborhood barbecues abound as pandemic protocols are lifted, but not every event will be the perfect venue...
Try natural remedies first to sooth an anxious pet
Stressed pets can be a great source of stress for their owners. That’s because it is often unclear what is causing a pet’s stress. Treatment possibilities are abundant, but research may be limited and leave doubt as to what is safe. What helps one pet may not be...
Wildlife and your pets – keeping everyone safe
Taking precautions when it comes to wildlife and your pets is not reserved for rural settings or hikes through the park. Even in urban and suburban neighborhoods, wild animals can pose a threat to our dogs, cats, rabbits and other pets. The fact is, there are many...

CBD and your pets – What you should know
Medicinal marijuana use in Ohio continues to grow, with many finding benefits related to chemotherapy side effects, stress, and pain. But can our pets who suffer from some of these same health issues also benefit? Unfortunately, little information exists yet regarding...